Monday, 24 June 2013

Initial Planning Ideas

Idea 1
My first idea would be that showing the two different years 'getting ready'. For example, a split scene of a teenager from 2013 and a teenager from the 50s. This would be a very clear difference if the mise-en-scene had been chosen correctly. I would plan to use multiple close up shots to capture every element of the process. A possible song for this would be '1901 - Birdy' which includes lyrics such as "Girlfriend, oh your girlfriend's drifting away,
Past and present 1855-1901." which would fit perfectly to the main narrative of the music video.

Idea 2
Similarly to idea 1, a girl getting ready to perform in a show this is based upon the 'Annie Lenox - Why' video in which we see her applying heavy makeup and costume. I believe this would work effectively as the Why video was, as long as it would be done in the right way. I plan to use a stage with curtains so the final shot would be the curtains opening and heavy lighting used. Although I have not got any idea of a possible song choice, it would have to be one with a big build up at the end for the final performance.

Idea 3
Billy Elliot 'Angry Dance' style. Filmed within the drama studio using the mirrors to get some effective shots. 1 person on their own performing, again, must have a song that builds up almost 'explosion-like'. E.g. Florence and the Machine - Shake it up.

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