Friday, 12 July 2013

Production Log - Lyric Deconstruction

 This week I have been working on my lyric analysis for my chosen song 'Love Like This - Kodaline acoustic version'. I have chosen to do it this way as I prefer to write things down which I can then change into a script on Celtx. I printed off the lyrics- making some changes as the acoustic lyrics differ from the original- and began writing in the timings of the song, the overall structure of the music video and possible shots. I have done this by repeatedly listening to the song and trying to picture the overall music video in my head. I will post my analysis of the lyrics. This will also allow me to gain a greater understanding of the song itself so I can adapt my ideas of the music video to fit this.

Analysing the lyrics themself will ensure I know exactly what the lyrics are trying to portray to an audience and then try and convery this through the visuals aswell. It has allowed me to understand any deaper meanings, connotations and denotations which are all essential whilst creating a music video.

I completed both a lyric analysis and a lyric deconstruction; although both were very similar it helped me a lot before progressing with my video.

Lyric Analysis: I looked further into the actual meanings of the lyrics, each individual lyric, the whole song, my interpretations etc. To help with this I also researched into the bands intentions; on Kodaline's website, there were the actual sheets of paper that they had written the lyrics down on with notes around the side- this was the perfect document I needed as it helped me with understanding what the band wanted to show.

Lyric deconstruction: For this, I looked more into the different sections of the song such as the verses, chorus, the build up, when the song slows down, speeds up etc. I then annotated with what I wanted to show at this particular moment and this will then help me when I create my storyboard and script.

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