Visual Progressions
Within my music video I will have a few visual progressions:
1- Firstly, it will start off with the characters being on their own 'getting ready' with very few shots of them both on screen at the same time, however still completely separate. Right until about 3/4 way into the music video where both characters join together to perform on the stage.
2- The second visual progression would be the progression of the characters themselves; originally looking very plain and basic which then transforms to them looking very extravagant and 'within the times'- especially the female character; She starts off with very minimal makeup and wearing basic clothes, this then tranforms to heavy 50s makeup, hair complete and a dress.
3- Another visual progression that links into this, is the setting. Whilst the characters are on their own, they would both be in a very enclosed space (black box studio) and it clearly is just them in there. It would all be very dark so the characters would look isolated. This then contrasts with the big stage and auditorium that would be seen in the next few shots where although they would again look very isolated being just them in such a big room, it would look very effective and show the visual progression.
4- One visual progression which I will put in myself will be the colour highlighting the time change. It will begin with a 'sepia' effect adding in after the entire video is edited reinforcing the 50s time period it would be set in. This will stay until the very end of the video where it would change to very vivid colour informing the audience of the time change to the 21st century.
5- The last visual progression within my music video would be the age difference- the overall music video would show the old lady at the end watching back on herself when she was younger so the visual progression is her growing up.
Image Systems
The main image system for my music video will be the 1950s. The main way in which I will show this is through the stylling of the actors involved. Over the top hair, makeup and costume will be essential for my music video so it is clear for the audience the image I am trying to create. Moreover, if I decide to use any props or accesories these too need to be based around the 50s and items typical of this era. Another element which will suppor this image system will be the colour overlay I will add on after effects after shooting and editing my entire music video- this sepia colour will create a vintage look and make he video look relatively old like the videos shot within this time.
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