Monday, 21 October 2013

Production Log - Test Shoot Footage

I conducted a shoot for my music video which was solely 'test-shoots'. This allowed me to play around with the lighting to find out which ways looked best and also the settings on the camera; after editing the footage it also then taught me things I would have to change for my actual film shoot and things that looked good and things that didn't. After filming I edited it all together and used the song 'High Hopes' by Kodaline. Although it was not the actual song I am using for my music video, it is still by the same artist so fits with the theme. I experimented with the positioning of the lights which I found quite difficult to get it just how I wanted it to look. Doing this made me realise I need more of a black background in order to get the effect I would like. Also, I need to move the lights about behind the artist so her face isn't too bright which is what I found some of the shots came out like; also, this turned out to be a certain setting on the camera that made all the shots extremely bright- I now know this for my actual shoot so the shots are as good as they can be.

Whilst editing I found that some of the shots I did, I'd prefer them to be slowed down to fit more with the music so in order to do so I will have to change the camera settings to a faster shutter speed so when I slow it down on Premiere it would still have a good effect rather than looking quite jittery and jumpy. I then decided to create a black and white colour overlay once i'd finished editing so I exported both a colour and black and white copy; the black and white will create the authentic 50's style look that I am going for so when I create my actual music video I will be able to compare both of them and also compare a more sepia/vintage colour overlay as well to see which has the best effect.

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